Medical Supplies for Dominica

In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, Geest Line – renowned inter-island carrier for the Caribbean, assisted in the transhipment of medical supplies from Grenada. The donation, initiated by a few physicians at the General Hospital and aided through AMSA (St. George’s University), included nebulizers and salbutamol capsules.

Grenada, a first responder to Dominica after the hurricane, continued their donation pledge to the island after it was ravaged by Maria on September 18th, 2017 months after. Geest Line, through local Agents in Grenada – Jonas Browne & Hubbard Ltd. and Dominica – H.H.V. Whitchurch & Co. Ltd., were able to include the medical supply donation on a shipment to ensure its safe arrival and awaited delivery in Dominica to the Princess Margaret Hospital.


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