Customer Advisory: Shipping Vehicles with Geest Line

Thank you for choosing Geest Line to ship your vehicle, you can trust us to take good care of it.

Like you we want your shipment to go smoothly!

To achieve this, we need your help please.

Hazardous or non-Hazardous? that is the question!

To enable us to safely and efficiently plan our vessel we need to know at the time of booking if the vehicle is Hazardous or not? Please make this clear on your booking instruction.

Note. A hazardous vehicle by sea is a vehicle with fuel in the tank (even if minimal) and the battery connected. If the battery is disconnected and the tank has been drained, then it would be non- hazardous.

What documentation do I need to supply Geest Line and when do they need it?

We need the V5 document (or the green new keeper details section with an invoice showing chassis number and registration) along with the hazardous goods document sent to Geest Line prior to loading your container / receiving the vehicle at the port – ([email protected]). This allows us to select the correct stow position for your vehicle and make the necessary checks required

If for any reason these documents aren’t available at the time of booking, then they need to be with us by 1600 the Wednesday before the vessel is due to depart to avoid short shipping and incurring additional costs.

What happens if I don’t send the documents by 1600 Wednesday?

If we have not received all documentation by 1600 on the Wednesday before sailing, then we will automatically roll to the next suitable vessel. There will be additional costs associated with rolling including storage on quay and a booking amendment fee. Rolling will of course also be subject to space being available on the next vessel.

We are here to help you so if you are having issues meeting the deadline please contact us and we can discuss.

If you have any comments or feedback, please contact the Geest Line customer service team

Tel: +44 (0) 1489 873500

Or email [email protected]

We look forward to speaking with you.

Geest Line Customer Service Team 

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